Thursday, March 4, 2010

Having two great kids means that time is short.

Leayla is too darling and knows how to get her way. Time has passed; she will be 4 in April. WOW. To hear that aloud makes me think that in a blink of an eye that our 'bug' will be 16 and full of attitude. *tears*

Her eyes and smile light up the room for anyone. She is so tender, loving and lively. Our social ladybug will give anyone anything that she has. She definetly has the same ablity that Zakk has to catch a boy or mans' heart.

I can hardly believe it myself that our little man, Zakk, is turning 2 this year. What spunk and energy radiates from this little man. With a smile and a turn of his head he can get any girl, I mean any girl or woman, to fall in love with him and his golden curly locks. He definetly will be a heartbreaker when is older. Looks are decieving, he is only innocent when he sleeps.
We have no idea where they get the ablity to catch anothers' heart.
I love the bond that Leayla and Zakk have between each other. It amazes me that for as young as they are they have their own seceret language and they both know what the other wants with a passing look. The bond they have I hope stays with them the rest of their lives.

It only seems that yesterday they were just born and I was holding them in my arms. Ohhhh how they grew up on us so fast.

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